Smart Pot Pruner™ is a fabric sleeve that lines your plastic container to stop root circling, promote root pruning and gives you the fastest re-establishment time once the plant is moved from the pot.
When the roots of a plant touch the fabric sleeve, they entangle and do not circle. The root tip loses its apical dominance and the root begins to side branch. A healthy, fibrous root structure soon develops (instead of the harmful root circling of a pot-in-pot operation shown to the right). A better root system gives you better, quicker growth!
Because roots don’t circle, you gain extra time flexibility. When a plant stays longer in a pot than anticipated, Pot Pruner™ continues to root prune,
creating a healthy root ball.
When you finally do move the plant to a larger container or into the field, that root ball explodes with new growth. The process of removing the fabric slightly scores the root tips, sending a chemical message for the plant to begin reproducing roots. The plant will root into the new area with amazing quickness.
Pot Pruner™ offers another big advantage - insulation. Your plants stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. There is no summer “hot side of the pot” - roots grow evenly throughout the entire container. Insulated temperatures give better, more consistent, year round growth.
Pot Pruner™ is a better product for container root pruning than copper. It is not toxic to the plant, to the ground or to your employees. The fabric sleeve cannot be “used up” like copper paint, so it continues to root prune long after copper paint has given out. And the Pot Pruner™ can be reused. With copper, the container needs to be washed and repainted, a cumbersome, toxic process.
Pot Pruner™ is the ideal product to stop, or greatly slow, root traveling in a Pot-In-Pot system. Root traveling from the liner pot to the socket pot and into the ground is a major problem in every Pot-In Pot system.
Pot Pruner™ can help. Pot Pruner™ is used two ways. First, the fabric is cut to line the inner pot. Second, the Pot Pruner™ can be used as the liner pot itself, fitting directly into the socket pot. Roots are greatly delayed in finding the drain holes of the socket pot. In both cases, the Pot Pruner™ is removed